• The British Trade Delegation Visit

    Event StartDate :21/03/2010
    Event EndDate : 21/03/2010

    The British Trade Delegation Visit
    A British trade delegation visits the chamber as part of the Saudi-British Trade Week activities; in which the chamber is hosting its first activities, which will be opened by His Excellency the British Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Mr. / William Patey.
     The delegation is composed of 59 British companies and institutions in various sectors including: Education and training - Information Technology - Business - Construction - Health Care- Engineering and other aspects.

    Event start date
    Event end date
    11:00 am
    Start time
    3:00 pm
    End time
    Public Relations
    Coordinating division
    Members Lounge - Chamber main building, Ground Floor
    8598173 - 8598012
    Contact information

    Trade relations between Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom. Pdf
    British companies and institutions participated. Pdf

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